>Music Recommendations!!<
Have you ever had the primal urge to make your inner drums vibrate?
Me too! It's what keeps me going, all that drum vibration.
Just a bunch of albums I like, may be outrageously old, may be outrageously new, I'm quirky like that :p

>No Mires a los Ojos de la Gente, Golpes Bajos
1983 - Español
Este album, cullo nombre aún vibra por los pasajes del tiempo, es el primero de tres concevidos por German Coppini y Teo Cardalda bajo el nombre de Golpes Bajos. El EP no falla, todas sus canciones se me han antojado más de una vez, pero las canciones principales es claro que son "No Mires a los Ojos de la Gente" y "Malos Tiempos para la Lírica" y con buena razón!; Són canciones rozando la perfección en mis ojos, fluyen como si fuesen liquidos, el elemento lírico también brilla, tanto es asi que en los 90 Coppini intento re-edicionar las canciones originales con intención de simplificarlas, citando su interés menvante por la poesía, diciendo que a esas alturas de la película prefería contar una história, el disco resultante fue tal fracaso que él y Cardalda se separon por última vez. Una de mis preferídas distinciones a hacer sobre las instrumentales es el uso exagerado del bajo, cosa que apollo con toda mi alma, esto se exploraría más en el LP peró incluso aquí ya se muestra una proficiencia por parte de Luis García que se aprécia mucho, no como en el resto de canciones de la epoca donde el bajo ni se olle... Saliendo un poco de la ruta planeada, quiero comentar una canción que me pillo por sorpresa cuando escuché por primera vez el album completo, una canción que ahora me fascina y que adoro de mala manera; "Tendré que Salir Algún Día". Una canción que sigue la linea de pensamiento de la canción titular, sobre la introversión y silenciosa inquietud, con una ejecución mucho más directa, dandole a Germán amplio espacio para cantar con solo un piano de acompañamiento. Me habla, me veo reflectida en sus temas, cosa que juntada con la percevida naturaleza personal de la canción me atrae a ella y llevo unos dias que no hago más que mover la aguja del tocadiscos hacia ella... En resumen: Muy buen EP.

>GB01, Owen Kufta
2025 - English
After listening to it for about a week I've gotten a much better idea of each song. My favourite now has got to be 'I-56 (part 1)', it just pleases my ears like no other! The voices don't really mix in the first 30 seconds but at some point it just clicks, its definetly the most sonically sound song. 'Humanity (in a bathroom stall)' is also one of my favourites rn, it begins very strongly and even though it kinda drags on its still a very good song. 'Alexander Wept' is only second to 'I-56', I still love the guitars that begind at the 5 minute-mark and I like how Owen handled transitioning from the rock-y center towards the more lyrical ending. Pretty lights is solid but I don't find myself coming back to it as often as the others for some reason, it is an odd song given the context its in, it's surprisingly upbeat in an otherwise pretty deppressing album, that doesn't make it bad, again I don't know why I don't repeat this one like the others... 'Where we started/My favourite movie' is another pretty solid song that idk why I can't seem to enjoy fully. It's fine on paper, I like it even! I just don't listen to it much? Idk... Oh btw Owen is selling cd's of this new album on the bandcamp! I wish I could buy one but they only ship to the U.S. sooo....

>Kill Me Cawthon, Owen Kufta
2024 - English
A pretty good album I found while surfing the web. Came across a site here on neocities called acidattackeverything, clicked one of the links and it brought me to Owen's bandcamp, I listened to it a bit and finally decided to buy it for a bit over the asking price of $1. It's a very charming album and for being so calm it has managed to stick in my adhd head for a while, which is a serious achievement. My favourite songs are (in order of better to not so better) 1. Smells Like Rain, 2. The Moon (in Db minor), 3. Done (right), 4. My Shirts Are Too Big, 5. Driving Out. I love how raw the instruments sound, it gives it a homey vibe that is very unique and inviting, it is the album for when I just want to chill and play minecraft all damn day. It reminds me of lonely summer nights, sweating in the rain under some unknown tree watching life go past.
More About This Album...

>An Obssesion With Kit, Graham Kartna
2013 - English
An album that I found through a youtube playlist (yes, I have a massive music library and I still listen to youtube playlists). It surprised me to see that it was released all the way back in 2013, I had to do a double take to make sure I hadn't seen it wrong. I don't know why it surprised me so much tbh, I guess since I discovered it through modern means it caught me off-guard. The album itself is great, all tunes are catchy as, you can't just quickly listen to one of the songs you're gonna re-listen the entire album and you're gonna like it! I haven't got a #1 song for this one, I'm torn between 'Browser History', 'We're Only Human' and 'An Obssesion With Kit', they are all incredible in their own ways, browser history is such a divergence from the vibes all the other songs give off tho, it sticks out from among the others.