>>Kill Me Cawthon<<

>Owen Kufta<

This is the extended version of this album's review, autism incoming!

To start off, I want to praise the quality of this album! It seems like Owen is a pretty low profile artist and in spite of that the album sounds great, it might be helped by the fact that its style relies on the raw sound of the instruments but it could all be clean as a jazz guitar it'd sound great regardless! On the songs themselves, my favourites are, as mentioned Smells Like Rain, The Moon (in Db minor), Done (right), My Shirts Are Too Big and Driving Out, the thing about these songs is that they all share one thing in common, they use the distorsion guitar and goddamn do they use it well! 'Smells Like Rain' might just be the most "song" sounding song in the whole album, it has a clear start, middle and finish, combined with a great rythm, catchy intro and great vocals, it's the best song in the entire album. Closely behind is 'The Moon' whose only real fault is having no vocals, I would've loved to see the lyrics for it as it's instrumentally the best song by far, it has this passed out, distorted, jazzy sound I can't get enough of. 'Done (right)' is the best calm song, retaining a central theme but keeping you engaged by incrementing the intensity of the lead guitar as the song goes on, going from an acoustic chord masher to full on mental breakdown distorsion guitar, the transition is pulled off super well too. As for 'My Shirts Are Too Big', it's just a good all-rounder, the guitars are the standout star tho, they're used really well, I don't know how to describe it but they just sound stratocaster (I really hope he used a strat because if not this sounds very dumb) and that sound is what the heavens are made of. 'Driving Out' has a great intro (no but fr, it literally made me start bopping on the first listen it goes so hard!!) but it's this low on the list for a reaosn, the transtition to the calmer part of the song isn't too well handled, as it drags out a bit for only being 2 notes being played in repetition, aside from this minor blemish it's got great vocals (even if they're a bit quiet, but that's consistent with the entire album so I don't count it too much) and the guitar really sells it, it's great company. It would've been nice for it to pick up the rythm of the intro again at the end but it makes sense it didn't given the context. One song I forgot about while writing this list is 'Meanwhile...' which is actually the "flagship" song of the album (according to the bandcamp at least), it has a great thing going, don't get me wrong, I just didn't enjoy it as much as the other for some reason, it's got 2 big issues which all lie in the guitars, the rythm guitar is very static and doesn't seem to change much, not to mention its distorted to the point of clipping which is never good in a song, then the one riff in the intro plays and I'm going to be dead honest, as much as I like this album, it sounds like the mcdonalds frier sound, this song could've been awesome, it has got the best vocals and they're very well implemented into the song itself it's a shame its dragged down by the excessive use of distortion which by itself isn't bad but clashes a bit too much with the past songs, specially coming right after 'Silly Little Improv' (a song I personally didn't like at all ngl I just don't vibe with it, it's like a burnt out minecraft vibe) which is a very calm song. Overall, this album has been a hidden gem find for me, I enjoyed it a lot and was surprised by its quality seeing as its artist isn't really well known, I'm happy to throw him a bit of money for this good ass album and can only hope he makes more!

wahhhh the end (finally, goddamn I got wayyy too into it)